Attainable Health and Fitness - Making fitness approachable to make your goals attainableā„¢ We believe that health is a priority and understand that it is difficult make time in your day. Train with our revolutionary online training app, which you can access through your phone and online.

Main Products

  • 6 Week Jumpstart Bootcamp

    This is the 6 Week Bootcamp from my social media but in my app with added workouts, yoga/stretching sessions, the ability to track your workouts and your nutrition. These workouts only require access to dumbbells, kettlebells and a band. Modify as necessary - message me if you require any help! This program is great for all fitness levels. It can be progressed and regressed to any level, helps you track your workout intensity, and has bonus workouts that were not included on my social media pages. When you are done with the bootcamp, you will receive a special 25% discount off your next program or discount off of my monthly on demand library subscription.

    $80.00 USD
    one time
  • 6 Week Jumpstart Bootcamp + Nutrition Consultation and Program

    The best way to track your workouts and keep you motivated is right here! The nutrition package is based off of your Basal Metabolic Rate, Total Daily Energy Expenditure, your goals, what you are sensitive or allergic to and we make a plan! We will discuss your current nutrition program (no, you will not have to give up food you love) and I will load 7 days of meals with recipes into your account. After a week or two we will check in and see how your calories in/out are, your meal prep and planning strategies, as well as finding the best fuel for your workouts. You will receive a free copy of my Balance Meal Plan PDF to see how a balance nutritional program should flow through a week so we can set ourselves up for success. You get access to my 6 Week Bootcamp from my social media but in my app with added workouts, yoga/stretching sessions, the ability to track your workouts and your nutrition. These workouts only require access to dumbbells, kettlebells and a band. Modify as necessary - message me if you require any help! Once this program is complete, you will receive a 25% discount on your next program (which we can bundle with the nutrition program again) or you can do my monthly on demand subscription with my nutritional program. There are no reoccurring programs and since this is a 6 week program, you are getting 2 weeks free of my nutritional program, I won't raise the prices or charge again in 4 weeks.

    $150.00 USD
    one time
  • 6 Week Strength Training Program

    This is the original full body strength program that I dreamed of making while I was a trainer. You will need access to dumbbells/kettlebells and bands. Each workout will range from 40-60 minutes in length with a separate warm up. This program moves in 2 week increments in order to gradually improve your tolerance for activity, endurance, and muscle recruitment.

    $100.00 USD
    one time


  • Habit Help!

    Adding habits to your routine can be hard and breaking old one's are even harder. That is where a coach, like me, helps get you on the right track and guide you back when you fall off of the track. We will set up a time to talk about your goals and what habits will take you there. We should only tackle 1-3 habits at a time, so when we knock one down, we will bring up the next one! It is like mini-personal training, but can be added on to one of my fitness programs.

    $35.00 USD
    per month
  • Nutritional Program

    Nutrition and fitness go hand in hand. I always say food is fuel, and adding this full nutrition package to your fitness program will allow you to properly fuel your workouts, see results faster and prevent burning out. We start with a consultation so I can get to know you. I will want to know what food you like, what food you are allergic to, what you hate, and what you CANNOT live without. I do not believe in restrictive diets, I believe in flexibility, balance, and enjoying food, not feeling guilty. We will go over your total daily energy needs, your health and fitness goals and come up with a game plan to fit you. We can choose different meals a day, swap them out, and even break it down into 3 meals and 2 snacks or 4 small meals a day - nutrition in personal to you and how you like to eat! Your program will be loaded into your app and I am you will get additional support from me in case you need more help - this include grocery planning lists, goal setting, and other foods that you might like based on what you like to eat. It is time to eliminate the guilt and shame associated with nutrition and start living your life without worrying about what is off limits.

    $70.00 USD
    per month