AG Beyond Limits Fitness

As a personal trainer, my philosophy is grounded in the belief that true wellness encompasses both physical fitness and mental well-being. My goal is not only to help you achieve your physical fitness objectives, but also to support you in developing the mental resilience and mindfulness necessary to sustain long-term success. I take a personalized approach to training, designing customized fitness programs that are tailored to your unique needs, goals, and preferences. But I also recognize that physical fitness is only part of the equation. I understand that stress, anxiety, and other mental health challenges can be major obstacles to achieving your goals. That's why I strive to create a supportive and nurturing environment that encourages holistic wellness. Whether you need help developing healthy habits, managing stress, or overcoming negative self-talk, I am here to support you every step of the way. I believe that fitness is not just about how you look, but about how you feel - physically, mentally, and emotionally. With my guidance, you can transform not only your body, but also your mindset, and achieve a greater sense of well-being and self-confidence. Let's work together to create a healthier, happier you! AG Fitness specializes in personal and online, in-person and hybrid training. Train with our revolutionary online training app. Our trainers will customize your unique workouts, which you can access online or through your smartphone.

Main Products

  • A FitStart Free Personal Training Consultation

    1. 30-Minute Virtual One-on-One Session: Connect with a certified personal trainer via a secure video call to discuss your fitness goals, nutrition, and lifestyle. 2. Virtual Fitness Assessment (Optional): A series of basic exercises and stretches to help the trainer assess your current fitness level. 3. Custom Plan Preview: A brief rundown of what a personalized online training program could include for you. 4. Nutrition Tips: Get specific dietary advice that complements your virtual training program. 5. Exclusive Discounts: Receive special offers for our online training packages if you choose to proceed after the consultation. By offering a virtual option for the FitStart Free Personal Training Consultation, I aim to make fitness more accessible, convenient, and tailored to individual needs. This is a no-commitment, no-cost opportunity to see if my virtual training services match your fitness aspirations.

  • A NutriTalk - Free Nutrition Consultation

    A one-time, 20-minute free virtual consultation with a certified nutritionist to discuss your dietary habits and needs. Get personalized advice, including potential changes to your diet and tips for better nutrition. This service is entirely online, allowing for convenient and immediate access to professional guidance. Features: 1. Live Video Consultation: • A 20-minute one-on-one virtual session. 2. Personalized Advice: • Receive actionable tips tailored to your needs. 3. Follow-Up Email: • Summary of the consultation, including recommendations and additional resources. 4. Optional Upgrade: • Option to book more in-depth, paid sessions. By offering a free virtual nutrition consultation, you can attract new users, provide incredible value, and also introduce potential upsells like premium consultations or other health and fitness services/products you offer.

  • Fit for Life Basic Subscription

    Basic Subscription What to expect: A customized workout plan based on your fitness level, goals, and equipment access A nutrition plan based on your dietary needs and preferences Weekly check-ins with your personal trainer and/or nutritionist to review your progress and make adjustments as needed Benefits: Get started with a personalized fitness and nutrition plan Receive weekly support and accountability from your trainer and/or nutritionist Learn the basics of fitness and nutrition so you can continue to make progress on your own

    $199.00 USD
    per month
  • Fit for Life Premium Subscripton

    What to expect: Everything in the Standard subscription, plus: One-on-one coaching calls with your personal trainer and/or nutritionist The highest level of support and customization Benefits: Get the most personalized support and guidance from your trainer and/or nutritionist Have the opportunity to ask questions and get feedback in real time Work with your trainer and/or nutritionist to develop a plan that is tailored to your specific needs and goals

    $399.00 USD
    per month
  • Fit for Life Standard Subscription

    What to expect: Everything in the Basic subscription, plus: Access to a private online community where you can connect with other clients and ask questions More personalized support from your trainer and/or nutritionist, including more frequent check-ins and feedback Benefits: Get additional support and accountability from a community of like-minded people Receive more personalized feedback and guidance from your trainer and/or nutritionist Learn from the experiences of other clients and share your own tips and advice

    $299.00 USD
    per month

Session Packs

  • Nutrition Coaching Package: "Precision Health & Nutrition Mastery"

    / 30 min / one time

    Description: Unlock lifelong health and wellness with our Precision Health & Nutrition Mastery program. Inspired by the leading methodologies in precision nutrition, this program is designed to provide you with a holistic approach to eating, living, and thriving. Features: 1. Comprehensive Initial Assessment: An in-depth online questionnaire covering your nutrition history, lifestyle, and goals One 45-minute video consultation for a deeper analysis 2. Personalized Nutrition Plan: Daily meal options tailored to your caloric and macronutrient needs Food preference adjustments 3. Habit Formation Strategies: Weekly habit change guides focused on sustainable behavior modification Interactive habit-tracking tools 4. Bi-weekly Coaching Check-ins: 20-minute video consultations every two weeks Data analysis and plan adjustments Psychological tools for overcoming barriers 5. Advanced Educational Resources: Access to a library of webinars, scientific articles, and tutorials Bi-weekly educational emails 6. Community Support: Access to a members-only online forum moderated by certified nutritionists Monthly group webinars 7. Progress Tracking: Bi-weekly progress tracking through pictures, measurements, and data analytics Delivery: All resources will be delivered via a secure, members-only portal, with new content and updates released regularly. Legal and Disclaimers: Refund Policy: 30-day money-back guarantee with proof of non-improvement. Medical Disclaimer: Consult a healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet or exercise routine. Copyright Notice: All materials are copy

    12 Sessions

    Expire after 6 months
    $499.00 USD
    $41.58 / session

    6 Sessions

    Expire after 3 months
    $249.00 USD
    $41.50 / session

AG Beyond Limits Fitness