Andrew Lewis

Las Vegas, United States

Andrew Lewis

Las Vegas, United States

Main Products

  • Bigger & Stronger

    "Bigger and Stronger: Increase Muscle Size and Strength" is a meticulously crafted 6-week strength-building program designed for those looking to significantly enhance their muscular size and strength. Centered around the proven principles of compound movements and progressive overload, this program stands as a testament to time-tested training techniques. Each week, you'll engage in exercises that target multiple muscle groups simultaneously, maximizing efficiency and effectiveness. The program thoughtfully escalates the intensity and complexity of workouts, ensuring a continuous and challenging growth trajectory. This journey isn't just about lifting heavier weights; it's about mastering the art of strength training through disciplined practice and incremental advancements. Whether you're looking to bulk up, boost your strength, or simply break through a plateau, "Bigger and Stronger" offers a clear path forward. It's straightforward yet dynamic, making it ideal for both beginners and intermediate lifters. By the end of this 6-week program, you'll not only see tangible improvements in muscle size and strength but also develop a deeper understanding of strength training fundamentals, paving the way for continued progress and peak physical performance. **By purchasing this product, you agree to these Terms & Conditions**

    $199.99 USD
    one time
  • One on One Online Training

    Month to Month Personalized Online Training for Your Unique Goals Jumpstart your fitness and personal growth journey with our month to month online training program, perfectly aligned with your ambitions. We kick off with a comprehensive Zoom consultation to delve into your goals, physical capabilities, limitations, mindset, and any other critical factors for your success. What you get: Custom-Tailored Training Plan: A workout regimen crafted to fit your objectives and lifestyle. Personalized Nutrition Strategy: Custom macros and dietary advice to fuel your progress. Mindset Development: Coaching to cultivate a mindset for success, keeping you motivated and focused. Bi-Weekly Check-Ins: Regular support sessions every two weeks to adjust your plan, answer questions, and ensure you’re on track. This program is your complete toolkit to prime your mind and body for triumph in any challenge you choose to tackle!

    $399.00 USD
    per month
  • Self Mastery in 90-Days

    Embark on Your Self Mastery Journey: A Tailored 90-Day Program Discover the strength within you with our 90-Day Self Mastery Program, meticulously crafted from over twenty years of expertise in personal development and fitness. Here's what we offer to guide you to your best self: Goal-Oriented Fitness Plans: Choose from targeted workout plans that align with your personal goals, whether it's building muscle, losing weight, enhancing mobility, or improving overall fitness. Intelligent Nutrition Strategies: Receive nutrition advice that complements your fitness journey, complete with meal prep tips and ongoing coaching, to nourish both body and mind. Wisdom for the Mind and Soul: Our program includes thoughtfully selected readings to cultivate self-mastery, empowering you with knowledge to support your physical and spiritual growth. Dedicated Times for Reflection: We value the power of stillness. Scheduled periods for meditation, prayer, or reflection are integral to our approach, helping you connect deeply with your inner self. Transformative Mindset Coaching: Shift your outlook with our mindset coaching, designed to foster a life of purpose and positivity. Proven Practices for Life: Gain insights into the most effective self-mastery practices that I've honed over decades, ready for you to apply in your own journey. Your transformation is our mission. Are you ready to unlock your potential and achieve unparalleled self-mastery? The path starts here. **By purchasing this product, you agree to these Terms & Conditions**

    $549.99 USD
    one time
  • Supple & Flexible

    "Supple and Flexible: Increase Mobility and Flexibility and Decrease Pain" is a meticulously structured 6-week program tailored to enhance your overall mobility and flexibility. Focused on simple, accessible movements, this program is ideal for individuals aiming to expand their range of motion, increase suppleness, and reduce bodily discomfort. Over the course of six weeks, participants will engage in exercises specifically designed to gently stretch and strengthen various muscle groups, promoting a greater sense of ease and fluidity in daily movements. This program is not just about temporary relief; it's about instilling lifelong habits for a more flexible, pain-free body. Each week introduces new exercises that build upon the previous ones, ensuring a gradual yet impactful progression. Whether you're looking to alleviate the aches of a sedentary lifestyle, enhance your athletic performance, or simply move through life more comfortably, "Supple and Flexible" offers the tools and guidance necessary to achieve a more mobile and pain-free existence. With dedication and consistency, participants will not only see improvements in flexibility and mobility but also enjoy a heightened sense of overall well-being. **By purchasing this product, you agree to these Terms & Conditions**

    $199.99 USD
    one time
  • Trim Down & Tone Up

    "Trim Down and Tone Up: Lose Body Fat and Tone Lean Muscle" is a dynamic 6-week program expertly designed to help you shed unwanted body fat and sculpt lean muscle. This program is perfect for those looking to refine their physique through a combination of high-repetition exercises, targeted core work, and effective cardio routines. Each week, participants will be immersed in a variety of simple yet powerful movements, carefully planned to maximize fat burning while simultaneously enhancing muscle tone. The program's focus on core strength not only aids in building a toned midsection but also improves overall stability and posture. The cardio elements are designed to boost heart health and increase caloric burn, facilitating more efficient fat loss. As you progress through the six weeks, the exercises evolve to ensure continuous challenge and optimal results. "Trim Down and Tone Up" is more than just a fitness program; it's a journey towards a stronger, leaner, and more confident self. Whether you're new to fitness or looking to invigorate your current routine, this program offers a balanced approach to achieving a trimmer, more toned physique. Embrace the journey of transformation and celebrate each stride towards your fitness goals with "Trim Down and Tone Up." **By purchasing this product, you agree to these Terms & Conditions**

    $199.99 USD
    one time


  • 60 minute private coaching call

    If you need more time with Coach. Can be fitness, health, nutrition, mindset or life coaching.

    $75.00 USD
    one time

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