Education: United States Army Academy of Health Sciences, Fort Sam Houston, Texas Medical Specialist, Enhanced Combat Medic, Licensed Practical Nurse Allen Lutheran School of Nursing, Waterloo, Iowa Associate In nursing (RN) Certifications: ISSA-CFT, Health Coach, Exercise Recovery Specialist NASM-Corrective Exercise Specialist, MMA Conditioning Specialist, Weight Loss Specialist dotFit-Certified Nutrition Supplementation Professional StrongFirst-Certified Level 2 Russian Kettlebell Instructor After service in United States Army as a combat medic and Licensed Practical Nurse. I continued my journey in the medical field nursing chronic renal failure patients in a hemodialysis setting. However, my desire to support people led me to the preventative side of health, practicing and continuing my education as a Movement Specialist, Fitness Lifestyle, Health, and Nutrition Coach for many years now. With over 26 years of experience, I have obtained numerous certifications, including ISSA-CFT, NASM-Corrective Exercise Specialist, and Strong 1st-Certified Level 2 Russian Kettlebell Instructor, among others. My approach to fitness is holistic, combining corrective exercise, flexibility/mobility, fitness nutrition coaching, core strength, conditioning, lean muscle building, and fat loss (FitnessKarma). I firmly believe that a fitness lifestyle consists of all these principles and strive to provide my clients with the complete tools for lifestyle change and long-term results. My certifications qualify me to provide an experience in General Fitness, Health and Wellness Coaching, Core Strength and Conditioning, Sports Specific Conditioning, MMA Conditioning, Olympic Weight Training, Russian Kettlebell (Hard Style), Corrective Exercise, Body Fat Loss, Nutrition and Aesthetics. I am ready to be your guide to a journey of better health and wellness, so let's achieve your goals together!